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Society Exec Handovers: Key Guidance

Guidance for handovers

What is a handover?

A handover is the process of you handing over your Society to the newly elected Exec members of your Society for the next academic year. This is an opportunity to pass over any internal documents or processes your Society may have and to ensure your new Exec members have the information they need to successfully run the Society. The SU will provide support on generic things such as events, training and guidelines (which can all be found on the SU website – familiarise yourself with this!) but anything integral specifically to your Society should be included in this.

(Key information on completing your handover pack is here: Society Handover Packs).

When and how?

Elections usually take place in Term 2. As soon as elections have taken place a handover meeting should be arranged with the new elected Exec members. This can take place to suit the needs of everyone, but should be done before the handover pack needs to submitted. We strongly recommend to do this in person, to allow the new Exec to ask questions. Allow plenty of time for this and don't cram it in F60A;

What to include?

Here is some guidance on what to pass onto to your new Exec members once elections have taken place. This should help ensure a smooth transition and that the Society continues to run with no issues. If you are the new Exec, please ensure you have requested the following from the previous Exec members, if you have not already been given them:

  • Previous handover pack for reference. If key details such as equipment, inventory and constitution has not changed just remember to change Exec member names (this should be in the current version as these do get updated)
  • SU Finance Web log in details
  • New handover pack to be submitted, being signed by the previous President where necessary. (This handover also includes claims for grants and your sign up for societies fair)
  • Social media log in details (if applicable)
  • Society website details (if applicable)
  • Calendar of events/event plans – Old event planning packs is particularly useful for admin for reoccurring events (keep an eye out on the SU website and these documents can change template every now and then)
  • Outreach information and contacts
  • Sponsorship information and contacts
  • Share useful contacts relevant to your Society, along with your Society coordinator

Key events for new exec members

Society one to one meeting

A Society one to one meeting should be arranged with the new Exec and their Society coordinator in Term 3 (which can be found here: Contact Us). Your Society coordinator will go through everything you need to know for the upcoming year, and will discuss your plans for the year. This is compulsory and nothing will be able to go through the SU until this has been done or is at least scheduled in. There is no minimum or maximum number of Execs who can attend this, and it can be in person or via Teams.

Exec Welcome

This event will be taking place on multiple dates in term 3. This is a requirement to attend and you can purchase free tickets on the SU website. You will get an email when these are available so please ensure the event is attended. There will be multiple days for you to attend, and you only need to attend one. This will be for the core 3 Exec positions and is an in person only event.

Exec training

For more information on training for Execs/extra training look here: Exec Training.

Key general information

SU Exec Resources on the website

Use this to find key info for your Societies. The link is here Exec Resources. This has everything on you need to know and if you can't find anything, please contact your coordinator. They are there to support you with anything you need.

Room bookings

Room bookings for University rooms are done via the University website: Central Timetabling Office - University of Warwick. These open in September for the next academic year. Please check the University website for the date as this changes yearly. Any rooms bookings must adhere to the terms and conditions set out in the booking to avoid any sanctions being taken e.g no food/drink in the rooms, tidying/clearing the room before you leave. SU room bookings can be made here: SU Room Bookings

No room that is used should be left in a mess, or not as it was found.


For some events (those needing tickets to be sold for the event; or Club/Society funds need to be spent to subsidise the event; or those where planned activities have any potential safety issues or where contracts need to be signed) a planning pack will need to be made. To do this you must first fill in an event planning form (Event plan and facility request form), a risk assessment (General Events Risk Assessment Template) and a financial planner (Financial Planner).

For events involving ticketing a ticket request form will need to be produced: Ticket Request Form. For trips a trip leader and trip registration form will need to be filled out: Trip Leader and Trip Registration Form. Full guidance is on the SU website: General Events.

For ticketed events you must also set up the event on the SU website before completing the ticketing form. The general info of which is here: Step 4: Publicity and Marketing with the key information being here: Website-Event-Set-up.docx.

Any uncertainty please ask the Student Activities Team.

Finance reimbursements and guidelines

Please bear in mind reimbursements are not same day payments. You can use the SU credit card so you don’t have to use our own funds if you cannot afford too, so please speak to us about any payments to get advice. If you are unsure what your Society can spend money on, check first! The link to the main guidelines are here (Guidelines & Rules). This avoids a reimbursement being rejected. Ensure new Exec know this.

External speakers

21 days minimum notice is required for all external speakers (anyone who is not a current Warwick student or staff). Key information and the external speaker form (can be found here: External Speakers).

Exec updates

The VP Societies will also be sending out key information and key dates, including for instance circling allocation applications and key university opportunities for societies, in their exec updates, so please look out for them in your emails.

Want Changes to Problems Facing Societies? – Talk and Advocate to the Societies VP and the other FTOS. It is their job to try and push and change the conditions for students with the SU, the University and the wider country so please reach out. The email for the Societies VP is: The other elected officers’ contacts can be found here Elected Leaders.

Any questions, please refer to the SU website or contact

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