Student Council

What is Student Council?

Student Council is your Unions highest student decision making body. It is where your ideas and motions are discussed, debated and voted on which helps lead the direction of the Union and your Student Officers. 


When is the next Student Council Meeting?

Spring Officer Elections 2024-25: Campaigns Training
19th February 1pm - 2pm
Microsoft Teams
Join us for an engaging and informative training session designed to equip you with the skills and strategies needed to run a successful campaign for the upcoming spring officer elections.
A hand pointing forwards. There is text which says "Make Your Mark". Spring Officer Elections - Candidate Welfare Training
20th February 3pm - 4pm
Microsoft Teams
An online training session for the 2025 Officer Elections candidates about candidate wellbeing.
Spring Officer Elections 2024-25: Question Time Session 1 - PTOs
26th February 5pm - 7pm
Kevin Gately, SUHQ
Our first Question Time event for students to ask anything they want to our Spring Officer Elections Candidates!
Spring Officer Elections 2024-25: Question Time Session - FTOs
28th February 5pm - 7pm
Kevin Gately, SUHQ
Our second Question Time event for students to ask anything they want to our Spring Officer Elections Candidates!




Who attends Student Council?

Any student can attend Student Council and voice their opinions on the topics being discussed. However, Council has 28 voting members who are representatives of the Union from the below areas:


Student Council Minutes