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Who do you want to represent you at the SU this year? Find out more about the positions available, read the candidates' manifestos and vote. Voting closes at 12pm Noon on Friday.Find out more
The SU remains fully committed to supporting the welfare of all students impacted by the ongoing crisis in Palestine and Israel.Find out more
The Brand Evolution Project Roadshow is live! Share your views on the proposed concepts and help shape Warwick's identity. Join us online and at key campus locations until 13th October.Find out more
To celebrate Black History Month 2024, we’ve got a fantastic line-up of events happening throughout the month. See the full list of events here and be sure to get involved!Find out more
Democracy & Development
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Our Academic Representation system ensures you have a say on your own educational experience. Elected Course Reps take your feedback and use it to make constructive changes to your course.