Campaigns & Communities Events

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Trans Students Meet & Greet
23rd September 2pm - 3pm
The Green Room - Students' Union
Campaigns and Communities Featured | Welcome Week | Welcome Week Day-Time
T-shirt Design
23rd September 2pm - 4pm
The Green Room - Students' Union
Campaigns and Communities Featured | Welcome Week | Welcome Week Day-Time
Loud and Proud
24th September 10pm - 2am
Copper Rooms
Loud and Proud - Warwick SU's incredible night for LGBTQUIA+ students and their allies takes it's well-deserved showcase place on this year's Welcome Week Schedule.
Buy Tickets
Club Night | LGBTUA+ Students | Welcome Week | Welcome Week Night-Time | Welcome Pass | Annual Pass
Badge Making
26th September 10am - noon
The Green Room - Students' Union
Campaigns and Communities Featured | Welcome Week | Welcome Week Day-Time
Neurodivergent Students Meet & Greet
26th September 1pm - 2pm
The Green Room - Students' Union
Campaigns and Communities Featured | Welcome Week
Postgraduate Meet & Greet
27th September 10am - 11am
The Green Room - Students' Union
Campaigns and Communities Featured | Welcome Week | Welcome Week Day-Time
Mature Students Meet & Greet
27th September 11am - noon
The Green Room - Students' Union
Campaigns and Communities Featured | Welcome Week | Welcome Week Day-Time
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