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Societies & Sports Clubs

Upcoming Events

Societies Events

Warwick Student Cinema - Term 3 Film Pass
20th April - 29th June
Get unlimited films at WSC all Spring with our term pass!
The Improv Musical
20th May
Avon Drama Studio
Welcome to The Improv Musical! Suggest your best and craziest ideas for a setting, characters and title for our amazing cast and practically telepathic band to bring to life onstage in the form of an hour long comedy, improvised musical!

Sports Clubs Events

TNL 2024!!
23rd April - 11th June
3G Tarkett Pitch
Join us for TNL (Tuesday Night Lights), our annual term 3 lacrosse tournament open to all students at Warwick!! 30 minute matches running between 5-7pm, Tues 23rd April- Tues 11th June :)
Wolves Awards Night
1st June
Come celebrate the best season in our history with the team.