Contact Us
Sports Clubs Team
Membership Office, Level 2, SUHQ
Office hours are:
8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 3:30pm on Fridays
Gerard Henry
Gerard leads the Sports Clubs team and provides advice on planning and preparing for all events, trips, tours, performances and balls, health and safety and issues involving a degree of risk.
02476 572811
Marcus Henson
Marcus is our BUCS coordinator, responsible for coordinating the BUCS programme at Warwick.
02476 522246
Megan Daly
Megan is our Sports Clubs Coordinator, responsible for the following areas: event planning, kit, pre-season, accident reporting, non-BUCS finance and general enquiries.
Gemma Dawson
Gemma is our Sports Clubs Coordinator, responsible for charity fundraising, volunteering, shop products, and general enquiries.
Louis Gosling
Louis is our elected Sports Officer, responsible for making sure that the sports community's issues are heard and dealt with quickly. He works in the office beside reception.
Warwick Sport Contacts (Performance/Facilities)
Team Warwick contacts | Warwick Sport