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Warwick Politics Society

Warwick Politics Society

Warwick Politics Society

Warwick Politics Society is a highly active student-led society aimed at creating a welcoming community among all politically-interested Warwick students and fostering open political discussion. Whether you want to hear talks from high-profile speakers, try out radio and print journalism, come to some incredible socials, play for our sports team, take part in our mentorship scheme or attend the flagship Politics Ball, we offer something for everyone! We are a politically-neutral society, welcoming members from across the political spectrum and across the University of Warwick – there is no need to study politics to join us.

All of our events are publicised on our Instagram - follow us there to find out more!

Speakers, Panels and Academic Events

Throughout the year, we host high-profile guests from political and extra-political backgrounds for a range of speaker events, panels and debates. Joining PolSoc allows you to hear directly the insights and perspectives of leading politicians, diplomats, activists, journalists and political commentators. Recent guests have included Baroness D'Souza, George Parker, Peter Hitchens, Anna Soubry, Sir Steve Webb and many others. We invite you to engage in our academic events by offering your own views and posing questions to our guests.


We have a packed schedule of social events throughout the year. Our socials are very well attended so are a great way to relax and get to know like-minded people. We host a huge range of drinking and sober socials, so there is something for everyone. Our social calendar includes bar crawls, club nights, meals, games and film nights, our legendary pre-POP circles and so much more.

Perspectives Magazine and Radio Show

Politics Society is home to Perspectives Magazine, our political commentary magazine. All content is written, edited and published by Warwick students, providing members with a platform to write about the international and domestic affairs which interest them. We publish termly printed editions and articles are regularly published online. Our Editors-in-Chief also host a radio show and podcast. Anyone with an interest in journalism and political commentary is welcome to contribute to Perpsectives, whether that be by writing articles, appearing on the radio show or taking on an editorial role.

Mentoring Scheme

We pair up first year students taking modules offered by the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) with a second or third year student who took similar modules. These connections ensure that first-years have someone to turn to with any and all questions about their course and life at Warwick. PolSoc provides events and resources to help mentors and mentees to build strong relationships. This flagship scheme has assisted countless freshers with transitioning to life at university. Follow us on Instagram to find out more about how to sign up. 

The Politics Ball

The Politics Ball is a flagship event in the University of Warwick social calendar. Put on your formalwear and join Warwick Politics Society for an evening enjoying a beautiful venue, fine dining, good refreshments and dancing in the company of over 200 attendees. Tickets will go on sale during Term 1 and PolSoc members are entitled to a significant discount. 

International Tour

While most of our activities take place in and around Warwick, we also host an annual international tour. This is a great opportunity to bond with your PolSoc peers, take a break from university life and explore a new city with us. Past international tour locations have included Krakow, Athens, Lisbon and Amsterdam. We try to keep the tour affordable to ensure that it is accessible, and PolSoc members are entitled to a significant discout. This year's location is yet to be announced, but watch out for more information during Term 1 - you won't want to miss it.


PolSoc has its own eleven-a-side football team (PolSoc FC) and a netball team, both of which compete against other societies in the Societies League. This is a great way to play sport in a friendly and relaxed setting, meet new people and stay fit. If you are interested in playing for either team, follow the PolSoc Sports Instagram for updates. For the big matches against our rival teams, members are welcome come along and watch the action unfold!


PolSoc works hard to support local and national charities through a range of fundraising intiatives. As well as supporting Movember annually, we also choose a specific charity to fundraise for each year. This year we have partnered with Coventry Cyrenians, a charity which provides support to homeless people and other vulnerable members of the community by giving them access to supporting housing and empowering them to live independently. We have some fantastic charitable events lined up for this year that we can't wait for our members to get involved in.


The careers branch of the Society assists members with all of their Linkedin-associated needs. Our Careers Officer co-odinates events designed to help members to develop their careers skills, and our annual Careers Leaflet, which is available exclusively to PolSoc members, helps to connect members with a huge range of internship and work opportunities in the political sector.

Wellbeing Support

Our Welfare Officer runs a variety of welfare-related events throughout the year to ensure that members always have someone to turn to should they want support. We are also releasing a welfare leaflet for first year students during Welcome Week. This will be available exclusively to members and will contain a variety of valuable advice about managing your course, social life and looking after your mental health while at university. 

Academic Support

Each year we release our flagship Politics Revision Guides aimed at first year students studying PAIS modules. These provide a highly detailed compilation of in-depth research and theoretical information about the Introduction to Politics and World Politics modules and are a must-have for exam season. They are available exclusively to PolSoc members. We also run revision sessions during term 3, and have recently begun providing support to members for PAIS module registration.

Executive Committee 2024/25

President: Rebecca Burton

Vice President and Secretary: Eleanor Harrin

Treasurer: Will Wray

Academic Officers: Amelie Wells & Sam Sawford

Social Secretaries: Hattie Watkins & Dylan Balch

Perspectives Editors in Chief: Jamie Mutch & Milly Owen

Publicity Officers: Jesse Hitt & Katie Ward

Careers Officer: Rohan Shah

Charities & Welfare Officer: Grace Turner

Sports Officer: Santino Granet

Ball Officer: Eva Mair

Tour Secretary: Eleanor Fearn-Smith


If you want to play a role in the running of Warwick Politics Society, look out for positions advertised during the year. We usually recruit Freshers' Representatives and Deputy/Design Editors for Perspectives Magazine in Term 1. In the meantime, why not write an article for Perspectives magazine? Check out the Perspectives Link in Bio for more information.


To ensure that PolSoc remains a safe and welcoming space for all, members must comply with our Equality and Diversity Policy, which can be found here.

Upcoming Events

Polsoc Winter Ball 2024
28th November 7pm - 1am
St Mary's Guildhall, Coventry
The Iconic Polsoc Winter Ball is back and with a theme of Hollywood Glamour, this year is sure to be a night to remember! Tickets are in high demand so make sure to grab yours before they sell out! We can't wait to see you all there!


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Politics Society Standard Membership below.


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