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We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.


The Writing Society

The Writing Society

Welcome to The Writing Society!

If you love to read, then you can learn to write, and if you love to write- then you have come to the right place.

You're already a writer! Most people use language each day without contemplating what they’ve done, Writing Society offers you a space, not only to continue to manoeuvre the language choices that you make, but to understand why you make them.

By writing fiction, poetry, scripts, and plays you can explore how to manipulate language in a meaningful way- all alongside people who share your passion!

We meet on Mondays 14:00-16:00 to discuss themes, practices, plots, devices, and to argue about the meaning of words, the controversy of character and the balance of genre and free-formed thoughts. You can take our sessions as seriously as you like, whether you're perfecting your magnum opus or just looking for some light-hearted fun, our sessions offer something for everyone. 

On Wednesdays 15:00-17:00 we hold feedback and task sessions. For part of these you can look more closely at the process of editing, including submitting your own pieces for kind feedback. For the other part of the sessions there will be thought-provoking tasks where you take part in creative writing tasks designed to improve your skills as a writer.

We also hold regular socials including our infamous Writer-All-Nighter, film nights, end of term meals, games nights and a few others...

If you can't make our regular sessions, or you simply can't get enough of us, you can join our Discord to share your writing and chat with other writers!

Invite: https://discord.gg/X6XaY8W


And, why not submit to Kamena, the society's publication? We accept constant submissions and push creative writing of every type around campus, both online and in physical print. From short stories to black and white photography, check out our submissions guidelines to see what fits and we'd love to publish your work! 

Social Media Links:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/warwickwrisoc
Discord: www.discord.gg/X6XaY8W

Click here to find out more about 'Kamena':

Meet our Exec!

Every society has an exec - a group of people who run the society with help from the SU. We deal with every aspect of the society, such as sending you our weekly emails, planning and advertising events and regular socials, putting together Kamena, and mainly just being a really fun bunch of people. If The Writing Society is the place for you, then you'll see us around a lot, and maybe you'll even be on the exec yourself in the future! Below you can find out who we are so you can spot us among the crowds!


President - Archie Baughan                

Secretary - Abby Stafford

Treasurer - Harriet Curry

Welfare Officer - Bex Howarth

Sessions Coordinator - Abby Stafford

Publicity Officer - Abby Stafford

Kamena Editors - Harriet Curry, Bex Howarth, Ivana Stoyanova


We look forward to meeting you soon!

Exec Membership

The Writing Society - President

The Writing Society - Kamena Editor

The Writing Society - Publicity Officer

The Writing Society - Secretary

The Writing Society - Sessions Co-ordinator

The Writing Society - Social Secretary

The Writing Society - Treasurer

The Writing Society - Welfare Officer


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the The Writing Society Standard Membership below.


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