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Fetish Society

Fetish Society

Welcome to Warwick Fetish Society!

Warwick Fetish Society is an inclusive and accepting community aiming to encourage safety, consent, and destigmatisation of BDSM and fetish activities.

Ever been curious about what BDSM actually involves? Had a question about kink but nobody to ask? You've come to the right place! We believe everyone should have somewhere to express themselves without fear of judgement, and to learn about how to safely engage in their interests.


Socials: We run weekly socials which are a great way to get to know each other outside of any kink-centred environment. While conversations do sometimes stray onto BDSM related topics, we spend most of the time chatting about entirely unrelated things. We don't publicly disclose the locations and times of our socials for privacy reasons; details are posted in our Discord server (see "How to Join").

Educational Events: We hold educational events multiple times a term. Sometimes these take the forms of talks: including titles Consent & Negotiation, and An Introduction to Impact Play. And we're always open to new ideas! Our talks are usually followed by a related discussion and occasionally a trip to the pub (non-drinkers welcome).Other times these events take on a more interactive format such as our 'negotiation games' or kinky quiz nights!

Rope Workshops: Taught by experienced members of our exec, our hugely popular rope classes will teach you the basics of how to safely tie up your partner, and how to safely get tied up (the latter is more complicated than you might think)! Rope and safety shears are provided, and no previous knowledge is required! And if you don't fancy getting involved yourself, you're very welcome to sit at the side of the room and observe from a distance.

Film Nights: FetSoc film nights are a great way to explore how well the media represents the BDSM subculture! One of our first film nights was a screening of Fifty Shades of Grey, accompanied by a lively discussion of its many entertaining flaws. Not all films we show are related to kink: previous showings have also included more general films.

How to Join

To be able to join our private spaces, please note that you must be a current student of Warwick University and over 18.

Discord: We use our private Discord server to advertise any private information such as the location of our socials, and it's also a great avenue to chat to other members. To make sure that our spaces remain safe and that each others' privacy is respected, only the exec can give out Discord invites. If you're unfamiliar with Discord, don't worry! We can talk you through setting up an account.

There are a couple of ways you can contact us, and we check all of them so feel free to use whichever you're more comfortable with.

Email: Email us at warwickfetsoc@gmail.com
Anonymous Joining Form: Submit your interest at https://forms.gle/pnDathK1NXDnjDTg6

Please make sure that you give us a way to get back into contact with you so we can follow up and give out invites :)

Any Questions?

Contact us via our email or Instagram! We should be able to get back to you within a few days at most. You could also use our anonymous question form: https://forms.gle/Eqd1KCpMPY2jexMd8. Just make sure to give us a way to contact you back when you fill it in!


We are not a dating forum. Please do not join expecting us to provide matchmaking services, or to harass or stalk our members.

Current Elections

Warwick Fetish Society Exec Elections 2025

This election is specifically to elect the new Exec members for Warwick Fetish Society. You will only be able to participate in this election if you are a member of this society.

Nominations open at 12:00 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 6 days)

The polls open at 12:00 on Tuesday 4 March 2025 (in 14 days)


  • Current constitution

    A copy of our current constitution.

  • Template for Motions

    A motion is submitting a proposal of a change to the SU or a societies constitution. Motions are very important and can have a lasting impact on the society in years to come. If you would like to submit a motion please follow this template.

Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Fetish Society Standard Membership below.


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