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Warwick Literature Society

Warwick Literature Society


Warwick Literature Society

Welcome to the home of the University of Warwick’s literary enthusiasts!

As our Society Constitution states, we are here

“To promote the enjoyment and appreciation of literature in the university community regardless of degree course”

So by becoming a member, you can get involved in any or all of the events hosted by the society, which range widely from social to academic. 

There are many Lit Soc social events running throughout the year, including regular circles before POP!, bar crawls in Leamington, the annual ball and an incredibly successful foreign tour. Whilst we love living it up on nights out, we also run far more relaxed socials during exam season, such as cafe de-stress sessions and quiz nights.

As an academic society we additionally offer Academic Aid for literature students, acting as a helping hand from the first days at university through to dissertation hand-in day! Our Freshers Guide PDF (available here) outlines aspects of the course you might not have managed to read about yet, whilst also detailing some university essentials and tips for life at Warwick. Last year, we ran academic support drop in sessions to guide freshers through the literature workload, getting to grips with essays and so much more, and we are hoping to continue this virtually this year. If you don't have time to join a video call, our exec will always be more than happy to answer any questions or give out any advice. Our Families Scheme also provides people with a great support network and people to turn to if any questions need answering or advice needs giving, also providing another chance to meet people both in and outside of your year group! 

For more information on events, academic aid, and to find out more about the Lit Soc exec, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and keep up to date with all events and announcements!

To get in contact with the exec team email us at


Executive Committee 

  • President: Amelia Thomas
  • Vice President: Jasper Young
  • Events Officer: Beau Gerard and Amelia Glover
  • Treasurer: Millie Baldwin
  • Welfare Officer: Andie Ourris
  • Academic Officer: Bella Litewska
  • Charities Officer: Harriet Paget
  • Social Secretaries: Mason Stannard and Harriet Paget
  • Publicity Officers: Liv Church and Leonia Depledge
  • Secretary: Edie Gutteridge
  • Creative Co-ordinators: Amy Adshead and Jasper Young
  • Ball Co-ordinators: Soraya Wagstaff and Seraphine Pearson
  • Fresher Representatives: Issy Arnold, Megan Driver, Hannah Rossbach and Poppy Walsh


Current Elections

Warwick Literature Society Exec Elections 2025

This election is specifically to elect Exec Committee members for Warwick Literature Society. You will only be eligible to participate in this election if you are a member of the Society.

10 posts are up for election.

Nominations open at 00:00 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 6 days)

The polls open at 21:00 on Tuesday 4 March 2025 (in 15 days)

Upcoming Events

Warwick Litsoc Ball 2025
20th May 6:30pm - 11:59pm
The House and Orangery


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Literature Society Standard Membership below.


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