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We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.





Love Chemistry? Join Warwick ChemSoc!

Warwick ChemSoc is a diverse society, home to chemists, biochemists and non chemists alike. 

Over the last nine years, ChemSoc has continued to grow, becoming a vital part of every chemistry student’s university life. But don’t be fooled, ChemSoc isn’t just for chemists, our members study a variety of different disciplines. From physics, all the way to law, ChemSoc’s subject diversity is ever on the rise.

ChemSoc’s year is set to be the biggest and best yet, and we would love you to be a part of it. Whether you’re after academic help, interested in inspiring the future chemists or just looking to have a good time, ChemSoc is a society for everyone. 

Why join ChemSoc?

•Academic Support•

Our flagship "ChemCafe" provides peer to peer academic support in an informal work environment with free pizza. Our Student Led Classes help to enchance students grades by providing tips and advice on previously sat exam papers for each module.


Join us for our regular socials; whether it be a night out to Kasbah, a pub crawl or a trip to the Warwick Castle - we have something for everyone!


ChemSoc's outreach program offers you the chance to volunteer on a wide variety of workshops and activities regularly at local primary and secondary schools.


Get involved in our football and netball teams which play on a regular basis. Great if you want to have some fun in an informal environment!

Check out our website for more information about our exec and what we do:

Join us on facebook to see all of our events:

Video Transcript:

ChemSoc has allowed me to meet new people and being on the exec has given me a lot of confidence.

It's nice to be able to be part of a society that can really help with networking as well as education.

I really like ball just because it's an excuse to actually get dressed up and hang out with your friends and dance, it's a good time, good food as well.

ChemSoc has a dedicated post grad rep, that makes sure post grads have a voice alongside our undergraduate members.

outreach is one of those things that you don't realise how beneficial it can be and the impact it has on both you and others is bigger than anyone else actually realises.

I gained a lot from ChemSoc and running for an executive position.


Our Sponsors

Department Of Chemistry, University of Warwick -



Membership Cost: Free


Upcoming Events

Chemsoc Albufeira tour
17th March midnight - 22nd March midnight
Chemsoc tour to Albufeira from 17th-22nd of march, flight and accommodation prices included in the ticket price (£150 for members, £170 for non-members)


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the ChemSoc Standard Membership below.


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