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Astronomy Society

Astronomy Society Exec

Astronomy Society


Welcome to Warwick Astronomy Society!

Athough we are linked to the Physics & Astrophysics degree, Warwick Astronomy Society is open to students from all backgrounds (STEM or humanities or anything else)! We want to bring together people passionate about astronomy and all things space: it doesn’t matter if you are a novice or an expert, everyone is welcome!

We organise biweekly talks, socials, observing sessions and trips out!  We also provide handy revision guides for astronomy modules (see below when logged in to SU website)! Currently, our regular scheduled talks are Tuesdays of even weeks, from 7pm. But keep an eye out for extra special bonus talks! For socials, make sure you check the Facebook Page, where you can also see previous events we've done. Our observing sessions are suitable for everyone, since the exec are on hand to help you learn how to look at the night sky and get you pointed literally and figuratively in the right direction! Keep your eyes peeled for our 2023 Freshers Observing event, where we'll be teaching you how to find objects on the sky!




Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Astronomy Society Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.