The Drama Collective encompasses five Warwick SU drama societies: Codpiece, Freshblood New Writing, ShakeSoc, Tech Crew, and Warwick University Drama Society (WUDS).
As well as working to bring these societies together through joint events and socials, the main role of the Drama Collective is to facilitate the termly submissions process for shows in the Warwick Arts Centre. Each term, the Drama Collective is offered two slots to perform in the Warwick Arts Centre's very own Studio Theatre, right in the heart of Campus. This is an excellent opportunity to have your vision come to life in a professional venue.
There are also opportunities to perform in the Arts Centre with Music Theatre Warwick (MTW) and Opera Warwick, but if it's a published or student-written play, or a piece of devised theatre that you're interested in staging, then the Drama Collective is there to help your vision become a reality!
If you require any more information on how to get involved, or have any questions for us go check out our Instagram where all information and events are advertised!
We also encourage you to read about our constituent societies online and follow them on social media by following the links below:
(Devised Theatre Society)
Codpiece is the oldest theatre society at Warwick, allowing students to create and devise their own works from scratch. They welcome the exploration of all forms, diving into all sorts of skills from clowning to puppetry in workshops run by students and professionals. Codpiece put on termly 'CodFund' shows, many workshops, and Bacchus.
(New Writing Society)
Freshblood New Writing are the only DC society who exclusively produce student-written work. There are lots of ways to submit your writing and get involved! FreshFest is a week of eight new, short plays and a great place to start. From Studio venues across Campus to the Studio Theatre in the Warwick Arts Centre, Freshblood will find a place for your play. They also run regular writing workshops and script sessions, as well as scratch nights.
(Technical theatre society)
Tech Crew is a Warwick Students' Union society for anyone interested in technical theatre. Tech Crew run training throughout the year for their members to learn new skills which can be put into practice in a range of shows and events. Not only do they organise technical teams for all student theatre in the Warwick Arts Centre, but Tech Crew also hires and operates the equipment for a number of other events across campus and work with StageFest to stage 50+ shows a year.
(Warwick University Drama Society)
WUDS is an award-winning society that always has at least one play in production. Their focus lies with published plays, encouraging students to take works by everyone from Shakespeare to Sarah Kane and do exactly what they want with them!
(Shakespeare society)
Shakesoc is another classic theatre society offering termly fund slots to bring your vision of a Shakespeare production (or any production Shakespeare related/inspired) to life! They also host multiple workshops and infamous socials a term, helping experienced or newcomers play with Shakespeare.
DC Exec 2024/25
Productions Manager - Harlo Thistleton
Treasurer - Julia Redfern
Secretary - Soraya Wagstaff
Cupboard Manager - Woody Knight
Diversity and Outreach Officer - Nothando Sibanda