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EVENTS We run a range of events throughout the year aimed at all abilities, from painting with Bob Ross to our material medley sessions. See our social media for a full timetable.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for upcoming workshops
OUR EXEC (2024/2025)
President: Anjali Mehta
Vice-President: Lucy Prior
Treasurer: Kena Patel
Secretary: Lucy Prior
Publicity Officer: Aanya Moturu
Welfare Officer: Gaia Nativ
Social Secretaries: Ella Bibb & Jake Hartshorn
Life Drawing Coordinators: Katie Judd
Workshop Coordinators: Jago Hill & Katyayani Rawat
Ball Coordinator: Aadi Nandedkar
Events Coordinator: Alice Zhang
Facebook group
Life Drawing page
Please do get in touch if you have any questions at all! You can find all contact details on the Facebook group or you can contact us through the website. If you're not sure, please email our President at
Love, Art Soc x
Come paint a fake egg
Current students should purchase the Art Soc Standard Membership below.