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Epic D&D: Stardock Under Siege

Event from Tabletop Games and Roleplaying Society

Sunday 09 February 2020, 12.00PM - Sunday 09 February 2020, 7.00PM


Come one, come all to Warwick Tabletop's first Epic Dungeons and Dragons event! We'll be running the special DDEP Adventurer's League module Stardock Under Siege (supplied by Wizards of the Coast), a huge collaborative event where multiple tables of different groups will be working together to defend an asteroid from invasion. Be prepared to mess with psionic creatures, maze-like dungeons, and even a dragon!

Throughout the event, each table of players will be guided by individual DM's, while the world is affected by every group simultaneously. Encounter roving NPC's (played by some wonderful volunteers) who may try to hinder your progress, or maybe help you along; discover secrets above and below the fantastical city of Waterdeep; and fight for your lives against a nefarious invasion.


This event has a capacity of up to 85 players (with thanks to our seventeen volunteer DM's!) and tickets are set at £4, or only £2 if you're a society member! We will start at 12 (noon) on the 9th February in Lib1+2. Like our previous Megagame, water will be provided, but lunch is up to you. These will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, so have in mind which level you'd like to play at. This is a rare event, not commonly run in the UK, and most often seen at U.S conventions, so we're hoping to make this a great success and hopefully become a regular annual event!

Join the event Discord (Code: 7PwAnm7) for updates, information on building your character, assigning groups to DM's, and talking with your fellow players. Once you've bought a ticket, ask an Exec to help you with sorting out your roles and getting you into a group. If you wish to sign up as a group, please let an organiser know and we'll try and sort it out (every player will need to have bought their ticket, and please tell us as early before the event as possible for the best chance of sorting this).

Epic D&D: Stardock under Siege poster

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