Pub Jog 105
Mon 02 December 2024 17:00-23:30
02/12/2024, 17:00 - 02/12/2024, 23:30
Monday 02 December 2024,
- Monday 02 December 2024, 11.30PM
£13.00 (Member)
£15.00 (Non-member)
Pub Jog is back! This is THE social event of the term, commencing Week 10 of Term 1. We split into groups and visit pubs under the bright lights of Coventry, stopping off at each for an optional drink before running to the next pub. This event truly separates the good from the great and turns all Warwick students who attend into seasoned athletes. Kasbah tickets and a T-shirt are included in the price, so DON'T MISS OUT, buy your ticket today!
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