
News from Warwick SU

Free Period Products

As part of the next phase of the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign, we are aiming to ensure students can access free, sustainable period products in partnership with Here We Flo.

Free period products. End period poverty Free period products. End period poverty

The SU Women’s Officers are excited to launch the next phase of the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign in partnership with the amazing brand Here We Flo. We are aiming to ensure students can access free, sustainable period products when they are caught short on campus.

From the start of the Easter Break, free pads, applicator tampons and non-applicator tampons will be available in 1 women's bathroom and 1 non-binary or accessible bathroom in the Rootes Building (ground floor), the SU (opposite reception), The Library (first and third floors), The Oculus (ground floor) and the Sports Hub (opposite reception).

Please feel free to take any of these products if you or a friend find yourselves caught short - we understand the pain of a period without any supplies! However, we ask that you only take what you need, as the funding for this campaign is limited and we want as many students to be able to access products as possible.



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