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Edie's study tips

Separating tasks using different coloured pens sounds a really simple thing to do, but it really helps focus my mind!

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box of coloured felt pens with plant next to it

I love using highlighters and different coloured pens to separate my tasks, and then once you’ve completed each one add a tick!

It’s so satisfying to tangibly check off a task when it’s done and clear it from your mind.  

I think it’s also important to accept the days when you just don’t feel in the right space to study. Sometimes when you push yourself too hard to work you end up not taking any information in and becoming stressed for nothing, so being able to acknowledge when you need a break is essential.

When I take an afternoon or a day off to refresh to my mind, by the next morning I always feel much more motivated and focused on my revision.

Good luck, you got this! 






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