Pressure Drop x DeStresstival: Positiv-rock-ity

Fri 10 May 2024 13:00-16:00
10/05/2024, 13:00 - 10/05/2024, 16:00
Friday 10 May 2024,
- Friday 10 May 2024, 4.00PM
Kevin Gately Meeting Room (SUHQ)
As part of our Pressure Drop campaign, in collaboration with the Active Wellbeing Team cross-campus DeStresstival, we invite you to come along to SUHQ to paint your own positive message on a rock! Crafting can boost your mood and reduce stress while getting creative and meeting new people.
Share the positivi-rock-ty with course mates and friends !

Photo sourced here
Event information
This event is free to all students at the University of Warwick
The Kevin Gately Meeting Room is located here
This activity will take 1.5 hours (90 mins) to complete
Booking is essential - there are 2 slots (1-2:30pm and 2:30pm-4pm)
The Active Wellbeing Team will be hosting a cross-campus festival focused on mindfulness, relaxation and de-stressing, during the summer exam period. We recognise how taxing exams can be on your wellbeing, so we want to give students an opportunity to unwind and decompress. Whether it's completing a Nature Walk, participating in a Pop-Up activity or doing some self-care meditation, take your mind off exams and do some de-stressing!
Bring your friends, make new ones, and embrace mindfulness and relaxation!
All information can be found on MyAdvantage.
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