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Warwick Student Cinema: Die Hard (70mm) - Late

Event from Warwick Student Cinema

Saturday 12 February 2022, 9.30PM - Saturday 12 February 2022, 11.30PM

L3, Science Concourse 

Come see Die Hard presented on 70mm(!!!) film on the big screen in L3!

In a world in which action films are mass produced and are all too often terrible, disappointing, corny or even all three, Die Hard stands apart as a classic action thriller. Bruce Willis is the tank-top wearing, machine gun wielding police detective John McLane, placed by chance in an impossible situation of which he must be the hero, saving a building full of hostages, including his estranged wife, from the inside.

Meanwhile, as McLane makes his way around the sealed-off building through obstacles of armed criminals, elevator shafts and air vents, Hans Gruber, portrayed by Alan Rickman, unleashes chaos on the employees, giving fast-paced action and a sense of danger to the Christmas Eve setting.

What really makes this film a worthwhile watch, other than the slightly surreal experience of Rickman’s German accent, is the quick, sharp dialogue, between Willis and Rickman, as well as Willis’ classic one-liners. This diffuses the tension by interspersing high-drama shooting scenes and violence with quick wit and comic relief.

All in all, there is a reason why the Die Hard franchise is such a success, it’s a classic of the action genre and well-worth a watch. This is a film with drama, action, quick-wit and even some romance that will have you quoting its memorable moments long after the closing titles.

Jenny Andrews

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