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Event from Islamic

Tuesday 21 April 2020, 12.00AM - Sunday 31 May 2020, 12.00AM

Warwick Islamic Prayer Hall 

As salamu alaykum wa rahmat-ul Allahi wa barakatuhu brothers and sisters!


Ramadan on campus is an amazing community project. Many Muslim students will be sitting exams and fasting long days, so we hope to be able to provide iftar for every Muslim on campus in the prayer hall.

If you would like to contribute, either through sponsoring a night, or through a donation, please find the links below. 


The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever gives iftaar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.” 


Ramadan is an amazing time of the year, so insha'Allah we hope to spend it in the best way as a community.

May Allah allow us to see all of Ramadan and may it be a successful one for all of us. Ameen!

For any further information feel free to contact

Hamza Nawab by email hamza.nawab@warwick.ac.uk or by mobile 07484671937.

£5.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147240/

£10.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147250/

£20.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147260/

£50.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147270/

£100.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147280/

£200.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147290/

£500.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147300/

£1000.00 https://www.warwicksu.com/shop/product/10147310/


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