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We have loads of SU-run events throughout the year, but if you'd also like to see what our clubs, societies and liberation groups have organised, you can see our full event list below



Event from TEDxWarwick

Wednesday 07 October 2020, 6.00PM - Wednesday 07 October 2020, 7.00PM

Online - Microsoft Teams 

It’s time to meet the TEDxWarwick Exec!

Join us on Wednesday for an exclusive look at who we are, what we do and how to get involved!

The session will include:

  1. A brief overview of TEDxWarwick from our Presidents
  2. A breakdown of our various teams and how you can apply to join them!
  3. A general Q&A session with our Presidents
  4. Breakout sessions giving you the chance to ask more team-specific questions to our Directors!

LINK TO ATTEND THE EVENT: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aa84982028da241369be16426d24d7409%40thread.tacv2/1602085916180?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2209bacfbd-47ef-4465-9265-3546f2eaf6bc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2226e31fb9-329a-42db-9f20-b6c80a0fa032%22%7d

Link to join our team - https://www.tedxwarwick.info/get-involved

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