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Warwick Student Cinema: La La Land

Event from Warwick Student Cinema

Monday 27 September 2021, 3.00PM - Monday 27 September 2021, 5.00PM

L3, Science Concourse 

Come see La La Land presented with 4K Laser projection on the big screen in L3!

La La Land is a critically acclaimed, creative and magical piece of cinema which has won seven golden globes, five BAFTAs and even six Oscars despite the best picture mix-up.

The film is set in modern day Los Angeles and stars Emma Stone as Mia, an aspiring actress who works as a part-time barista whilst trying to get her big break. Ryan Gosling stars alongside her as Sebastian, a pianist with an ambition to open his own Jazz Club. The narrative follows the pair falling in love and pursuing their own ambitions through a wonderful combination of smooth romance and comedy.

Though the musical numbers are glamorously vibrant the natural rawness of Stone and Gosling’s singing helps give the film a greater depth and stronger emotional resonance than simple glossy vocals could provide.

The director Damien Chazelle, who previously directed Whiplash, artfully uses semiotics to evoke a sense of nostalgia associated with the classical musicals of the 1960s as bright colours and spotlights dance across the screen, enlivened by the jazz-pop soundtrack.

La La Land grounds the magic of musicals in modern life whilst evoking a sense of charm and adventure in which Chazelle both reminisces about the old Hollywood pictures and innovatively sets the ground for the future of film-making by firmly rooting La La Land amongst the classics. .

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