Events in October

Tue 1st October

Ikea Image Details Ikea Shopping Experience
5:45pm - 9pm
Car Park 2 Warwick Campus ( head to Blue Bell car park)

Wed 2nd October

Beginners Course 1
2nd October 1:30pm - 13th October 7:30pm
Zone D, Sports Hub
Beginners' Course on Wednesday (13:30-15:30) and Sunday (17:30-19:30), Weeks 1-2
Pop! Term 1, Week 1
7pm - 2am
The Copper Rooms

Thu 3rd October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Fri 4th October

That Friday Feeling!
7pm - 1am
Have that Friday Feeling in your SU!

Mon 7th October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Wed 9th October

Pop! Term 1, Week 2
7pm - 2am
The Copper Rooms

Thu 10th October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Fri 11th October

That Friday Feeling!
7pm - 1am
Have that Friday Feeling in your SU!
9pm - 1am

Sat 12th October

Outdoor First Aid Course
12th October 8:45am - 13th October 6pm
Warwick University
16 hour outdoor first aid course
SKOOL DAYZ! Term 1 Week 2
7pm - 2am
Copper Rooms

Mon 14th October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Wed 16th October

Beginners Course 2
16th October 1:30pm - 27th October 7:30pm
Zone D, Sports Hub
Beginners' Course on Wednesday (13:30-15:30) and Sunday (17:30-19:30), Weeks 3-4
Pop! Term 1, Week 3
7pm - 2am
The Copper Rooms

Thu 17th October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Fri 18th October

Freshers Trip 2024
18th October 4pm - 20th October 7pm
This will be a nice introduction to white water, perfect for returners and freshers!
That Friday Feeling!
7pm - 1am
Have that Friday Feeling in your SU!
9pm - 1am

Mon 21st October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Wed 23rd October

Pop! Term 1, Week 4
7pm - 2am
The Copper Rooms

Thu 24th October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Fri 25th October

9pm - 1am

Sat 26th October

10pm - 2am

Mon 28th October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building

Wed 30th October

Pop! Term 1, Week 5
7pm - 2am
The Copper Rooms

Thu 31st October

Image of fruit and vegetables Fresh and Juicy
9am - 5pm
The Atrium Building
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