Image: The Ask for Angela sticker displayed in venues
What is Ask for Angela?
If you're feeling unsafe in an SU venue, head to the bar and ask for 'Angela'. Our staff have been trained to help you. Don't be afraid to talk to us, we believe you, and you are not alone.
What happens after I have asked for Angela?
Depending on the circumstances, the member of staff may get a manager or another senior member of staff to assist you to safety. They can help find a safe place for you to wait, and may ask you a few questions in order to put the right support in place for you. They are also able to contact Security on your behalf, or help arrange transport for you if necessary.
Where can I find information on Ask for Angela in venues?
Stickers with the above design are displayed in most toilets within the SU and its outlets.
Can anyone use Ask for Angela?
Yes, Ask for Angela can be used by anyone who feels uncomfortable or unsafe in an SU venue.
Can I use Ask for Angela outside of the SU?
Ask for Angela is a nationwide campaign, however not all institutions may implement it. Signs should be on display at venues that use Ask for Angela.
I've been subject to sexual violence - where can I go for help on campus?
For details of places to get support or guidance if you’ve been subject to sexual violence, please see there.
How can I get involved with Ask for Angela and the SU’s We Get Consent campaign?
You can sign up to be a We Get Consent Ambassador! Ambassadors help design and run the We Get Consent campaign. We are currently reviewing the We Get Consent campaign so there are plenty of opportunities to input your ideas.