Do you want to Party Smart?
The safest way to use drugs and alcohol is not to use them at all.
However, to support you in making an informed choice we've put together some harm reduction resources to help you stay as safe as possible and party smart!
If you would like to access peer support and discussion groups, feel free to visit or join the Warwick Psychedelic Research Society a new society that aims to challenge the stigma surrounding drug use, through education and support for student drug users.
Concerned about your relationship with drugs or alcohol?
Check out the resources below to find out more!
Support Resources and Helplines
- We Are With You's resource hub and support services (including a helpline) offer support to help you change your relationship with drugs or alcohol (or just staying safe and healthy).
- Contact CGL's Coventry Drug & Alcohol Service or Warwickshire Drug & Alcohol Service for local information, advice and guidance.
- Access information on tracking and reducing your alcohol consumption, as well as recognising whether you're drinking too much, via drinkaware.
- Call FRANK on 0300 123 6600 for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
- Get confidential advice and information from the national alcohol helpline, Drinkline, by calling 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am-8pm, weekends 11am-4pm).
- Speak to a Drinkchat adviser online (weekdays 9am-8pm, weekends 11am-4pm).
- Call Recovery’s drug & alcohol addiction helpline on 0203 553 0324.
- Find out more about the NHS support available for drug addiction.
- Find a local drug addiction support service using this NHS directory.
- Find a local alcohol addiction service using this NHS directory.
- Find a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, whose "12 step" programme involves getting sober with the help of regular support groups.
- Find a local Cocaine Anonymous meeting*.
- Find a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting*.
- Get support from Kikit. Kikit are a Birmingham based BME specialist drug and alcohol support service that provides a range of support, such as their Muslim Recovery Network Programme.
*Although, the names of these organisations may suggest that they only provide support for specific drugs, both CA and NA are welcoming to all people struggling with their relationship with a mind-altering substances (this includes alcohol!)
Concerned about, or affected by, a family member or friend?
Concerned about Substances and Mental Health
Drug or alcohol intake can affect your mental health. Moreover, many students who are struggling with their mental health may also turn to alcohol to self-medicate or cope. If you or someone you know are struggling with substance abuse and mental health, there are people who are here to help.
- Access confidential and non-judgmental emotional support with Samaritans (24 hours a day), via phone, email, letter or their app.
- Get support from the University's Wellbeing Support Services
Check out our mental health campaigns for more info!
Drug & Alcohol Factsheets
Looking for honest, factual information about drugs & alcohol? Talk to Frank and Release have A-Z directories of clear, concise factsheets which include sought after and undesired effects.
Click on a box to view FRANK's factsheet.
Not found what you're looking for? Check out Frank's full directory of drugs.
Study Drugs
A survey of 250 students conducted by The Boar found that 40% of students at Warwick had considered taking study drugs (nootropics) before and just over half of respondents said they would take study drugs to increase productivity.
The survey sought to find out the circumstance, frequency and types of study drugs used by students at Warwick. The survey found that 12.4% of students admitted to having taken study drugs in the past. The most popular time for this, as answered by 48% of students, is that they would only take study drugs around important deadlines and exams. The most common study drugs used by participants were modafinil/ritalin, followed by adderall.
All three of the above drugs are prescription only. Read here about the legal guidelines for both possessing and dealing these drugs without a prescription.
We'd also encourage you to read our study drug safety tips before using any study drugs.