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Welcome to the University of Warwick’s Catholic Society.
CathSoc combines the spiritual and social aspect of the Catholic faith at Warwick. We aim to encourage fellowship through the celebration of the Holy Mass as well as spiritual, social and fundraising events. We support the work of the University’s Catholic Chaplain, the rest of the Chaplaincy community and represent the Saint Vincent de Paul Society at Warwick, an international Catholic charity aiming to help the most disadvantaged in society. This is a great chance for everyone who would like to pro-actively live their faith and have a true impact on their local community. Last but not least, CathSoc is a place of friendship and community where Catholics from all over the world can experience their faith together.
It is free to join our society and you do not need to pay the Societies Federation fee.
All students and staff alike are welcome to join.
Join our Whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kv59FTAISS60e7b6OgVg3m
Please join us at our social and spiritual events! We are looking forward to meeting you.

Find out more about us on our website or find us on our facebook page






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Current students should purchase the CathSoc Standard Membership below.


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